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Rising Phoenix

La Plata Peak



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Why invest in oil & gas royalties?






The safest way to invest directly in the energy sector

Passive income streams flow directly from royalty owners

Oil and gas royalties produce consistent monthly cash yields

Investors assume no drilling risk liability whatsoever

Historical fund returns have been over 18% annually  and

are not correlated to the stock or real estate markets


The success of one offering does not predict the performance of another.


Investing in Oil & Gas Minerals - OLD
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Who is Rising Phoenix Capital?

RPC is led by Jace Graham, a 4th generation oil & gas professional who has spent the last two decades identifying, acquiring, and managing more than $100 million in operated and mineral/royalty assets.

Rising Phoenix puts skin in the game on every fund and only earns its 25% promote after our investors get all their money back. We have confidence in our strategy, process, and execution.

How We Help Investors Look for Safe Ways to Invest
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"I invite you to take a look at our latest offering. I think you'll find that it's the perfect investment vehicle for these challenging times."

Jace Graham, CEO/Founder

Rising Phoenix Capital

La Plata Peak Fund at a glance

Capitol Peak Fund | Rising Phoenix Resources Dallas, Tx

Fund Size:

$20 million oil & gas royalty fund

Unit Size: 

Class A: $250,000/unit

($250,000 and over investment amount)

Class B: $50,000/unit

($50,000 - $249,999 investment amount)


Class A units:  20% GP promote after investor payout;

Class B units: 30% GP promote after investor payout;

Investors earn 8% preferred rate of return until capital until fund is closed;

1.5% AUM annual management fee; 3% origination fee


Monthly, with annual K-1s prepared


Target producing oil & gas royalties currently generating cash flow


Price appreciation and potential future production from undeveloped locations



Accredited Investor only; Audited 3rd party financials; Self-Directed IRA eligible;

15% tax depletion allowance in perpetuity 

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Past success

Fund I’s impressive run.

IRR of 23%






Fund I was comprised of 19 assets with over 140 producing wells.

Distributions came within 60 days of investment.

In a 24-month hold, Fund I closed with an IRR of 23% .





The success of one offering does not predict the performance of another.


Active funds delivering strong returns, whether the market is up or down

5-Year Fund Cash-on-Cash Yield Performance (JAN. 2020 - DEC. 2024)


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5 year yields graph only.png
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The success of one offering does not predict the performance of another.


  Cash-on-cash yields are determined by taking the monthly production revenue received for a set month and multiplying it by 12 months, then dividing it by capital contributions. 


This chart does not reflect any expenses or net distributions to the investors.


Wondering how oil & gas royalties 

compare to real estate?

Capitol Peak Fund | Rising Phoenix Resources Dallas, Tx
Capitol Peak Fund | Rising Phoenix Resources Dallas, Tx

Monthly cash flow from property


Monthly cash flow from wells





Tenants pay rent

Management upkeep and expenses

Limited growth or upside potential

Cap Rate 5% to 8%

Operators pay royalties

No management upkeep or expenses

Growth and upside from new wells

Annual yields begin at 12%+ 

Investor pays property taxes


15% tax credit on depletion

Details make the difference

Capitol Peak Fund | Rising Phoenix Resources Dallas, Tx

RPC uses proprietary software to identify and evaluate royalty owners’ history and monthly cash flow. 

RPC finds motivated sellers by analyzing public data for life events such as tax liens, probate, divorce decrees, etc.

Capitol Peak Fund | Rising Phoenix Resources Dallas, Tx
Capitol Peak Fund | Rising Phoenix Resources Dallas, Tx

RPC targets top producing oil and gas basins within the continental U.S.

We look for well-funded, publicly traded operators with experience and history.

Capitol Peak Fund | Rising Phoenix Resources Dallas, Tx
Capitol Peak Fund | Rising Phoenix Resources Dallas, Tx

We verify where the rigs are drilling now and where they’re most likely to drill next.

Why invest with

Rising Phoenix Capital?


We participate in every offering and don’t earn our  promote until our investors are paid in full.



Our leadership has over four generations of experience in the oil & gas industry.



We use un-biased, 3rd-party  reservoir engineers to accurately evaluate every opportunity.


Ground game

Our in-house acquisition team
is incentivized to secure wholesale pricing from royalty sellers.



Our funds and fees are simple and easy to understand – no gimmicks or hidden costs plus our offering and financials are audited by 3rd parties


Customer service

Our investor portal, regular updates and investor relations team provide an exceptional investment experience.



  • What makes Rising Phoenix mineral funds a good investment?
    Rising Phoenix mineral funds are a great alternative investment that provide a steady stream of income every month as soon as the assets are acquired into the fund. Since oil and natural gas commodity prices are not correlated with the stock or real estate markets, this type of investment is a great way to diversify your overall portfolio into an asset class that consistently has outperformed the S&P 500. Oil and natural gas demand remains strong domestically, post COVID, and with the current geo-political climate creating a lack of supply to several countries, commodity prices have increased allowing our mineral funds to deliver exceptional cash-on-cash returns safely to our investors. Finally, with rising interest rates and inflation, oil and natural gas commodities provide a great hedge because commodity prices tend to rise when inflation is accelerating.
  • What kind of returns should the investor expect from Rising Phoenix?
    Based on prior fund performances, our investors should expect to receive cash-on-cash returns in the 10% to 20% over the hold of the assets in the fund. When we look to sell those assets after a 2-3 year timeframe we have been able to deliver our investors IRR’s in the +20% range.* *The success of one offering does not predict the performance of another.
  • I have very little knowledge of the energy sector. How can I still invest in Rising Phoenix?
    Part of our culture at Rising Phoenix is providing the highest quality investor experience to all of our partners. This includes an initial strategy call, where we explain our investment criteria, deal sourcing, underwriting and overall approach in detail to ensure our offerings are a fit for your investment portfolio. You will then work very closely with our investors’ relations team who can help walk you every step of the way through the offering materials, legal documents and promote so you fully understand the investment in order to make a sound decision on your participation level. In short, our investment offerings in producing oil and gas minerals are straightforward and transparent and our team will ensure you fully understand the investment as well as all the legal documents to ensure you can make an educated decision in participating in one of our funds.
  • How do you locate and acquire producing oil & gas minerals?
    Great question, we put a short video together with one of our in-house mineral buyers on his role in the mineral buying process:
  • How does your team evaluate and price oil and gas minerals for the fund?
    Most investments in the upstream oil & gas sector are direct drilling deals. Those are very dependent on the operator understanding the exact geographical demands and techniques involved with drilling and operating their well. In other words, those are very high-risk investments, all the way to “dry-hole” risk, which entails losing all your money! At Rising Phoenix, we buy assets that have already been drilled and are already producing, therefore eliminating the “dry hole” risk, and in turn, return a steady source of royalty income for our investors from these producing wells.
  • Why is Rising Phoenix a better investment than its competitors?
    Most investments in the upstream oil & gas sector are direct drilling deals. Those are very dependent on the operator understanding the exact geographical demands and techniques involved with drilling and operating their well. In other words, those are very high-risk investments, all the way to “dry-hole” risk, which entails losing all your money! At Rising Phoenix, we buy assets that have already been drilled and are already producing, therefore eliminating the “dry hole” risk, and in turn, return a steady source of royalty income for our investors from these producing wells.
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Jace Graham

From the desk of 


Are you ready to take advantage of a new era in energy investments?


Like many of today’s investors, are you worried about the volatile stock market, rising inflation, and possibility of losing your hard-earned money?

Or, are you looking at alternative investments but afraid to invest because you find them confusing?

We believe every accredited investor deserves access to a safe, alternative investment that produces a consistent cash-on-cash yield – without gimmicks, high fees, or confusing promote structures.

That’s why we offer alternative investment funds in oil and gas royalties that reliably produce a high monthly dividend and are not correlated with the stock or real estate markets. In fact, our funds regularly beat the overall market and can reach up to 20% in annual distributions!

With four generations of experience and our due diligence in the industry, we have created a unique alternative investment that is straightforward, easy to understand, and lower in risk.

Our financials are thoroughly audited, and you get 24/7 access to a unique investor portal, where you can track your investment, generate reports, and download all your tax filings & distribution statements in one simple, streamlined location.

Stop worrying about losing money in the stock market, working with bad investments, or listening to money advisors telling you to “ride it out” or “hold tight”?

Instead, invest in a new kind of proven asset class with Rising Phoenix and feel confident knowing a portion of your investment portfolio is in a safe alternative investment that produces consistent cash yields every month, historically beats the stock and real estate markets and is a great hedge against rising inflation.

Click on the link below, and we’ll talk in greater detail to see if our next fund may be a good way to diversify your portfolio.

The time is now. I hope you agree.

Thank you.

Capitol Peak Fund | Rising Phoenix Resources Dallas, Tx

Jace Graham, Founder & CEO

Formula for success: 

rise early, work hard, strike oil.

Capitol Peak Fund | Rising Phoenix Resources Dallas, Tx

J. Paul Getty  

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